Tuesday 21 February 2012


I live with a girl called Camilla. Camilla is 27 and a trainee lawyer. She's mostly ok (for a girl) but can be pretty mental. For example, I have to hide chocolate and biscuits or she will eat them and then cry because she thinks she's fat.

She's not fat, just mental:

It doesn't matter what I say on this point though. I've lost track of the number of times she has become upset after baking cupcakes and then poured bleach on them so that she can't eat any more. So if I want cupcakes I have either to a) wait by the oven or b) rinse bleach from partially destroyed cupcakes. (b is better than a as it only leads to a tingling mouth rather than burns and hospital again).

Camilla also tries to tell me what to do in a high pitched voice that even bats would hate. I once broke her bedroom door handle so she couldn't get out. I had to put the TV on really loud that day.

Anyway, when she isn't being a total bitch, we mostly get on really well. This is why I agreed to draw her a card to send to her Nan who has managed to get to 80 years old without dying of anything.  

(I think I'd rather die than become old and disgusting, but I guess it's all about choices.)

Cam said, "thanks MJ, I'm sure my Nan will really love your card".

I agree.

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